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What does Wanderlust Explorations really stand for?

My philosophy is you have one life to live. We are the co-creators of our life. I believe the power of a bucket list can set us free.

Why a bucket list?

Unlock the power of your dreams with a bucket list that knows no bounds! Don't wait until it's too late—start planning your ultimate adventure today. As kids, we wished and wished for countless things, but what if those wishes could actually become a reality?

A bucket list isn't just about travel; it's a collection of experiences, big and small. Break it down into what you can do right now and what requires a bit of planning. There's no reason to say no to your dreams. Embrace the endless possibilities and welcome new experiences and incredible people into your life as you embark on your journey.

Setting goals in a whole new way, I conquered thrilling milestones last summer: riding a motorcycle, paddleboarding, conquering the Triple Crown hike in Roanoke, Virginia, embarking on an epic road trip through Utah's Mighty 5 national parks, and taking the leap into my own business. Your bucket list awaits—let's make every moment count!

How does it relate to Wanderlust Explorations?

Embrace the never-ending adventure of my bucket list—it's like an endless buffet of excitement in this wild ride called life! And you know what's even better? By pursuing my dreams, I get to drag others along for the ride. That's exactly why I founded Wanderlust Explorations, my super-awesome company. Sure, I'm all about traveling, but hey, life has way more to offer in various flavors. Wanderlust means having an insatiable craving to travel and explore, while Explorations means trying new things and venturing into the unknown.

But here's the bigger WHY—I believe in connecting people and challenging them to step out of their cozy comfort zones. Through epic travel experiences and mind-blowing events, I create adventures that won't break the bank. Who needs money to hold them back from living their best life? Not on my watch!

Oh, did I mention that I'm also a photographer? Yep, still chasing that wild dream of snapping a National Geographic-worthy photo. But in the meantime, I teach others how to capture moments like a pro. Because whether it's with a fancy camera or your trusty cell phone, every second is worth capturing! Plus when you hang out with me I love capturing your memories as well.

But wait, there's more! I firmly believe in doing good and spreading kindness. Wanderlust Explorations is all about giving back to the world. Positive energy goes a lot farther than you think. One person really can make a difference!

Life is meant to be lived, experienced, and cherished. Join me on this incredible journey with Wanderlust Explorations, and let's make memories that'll make our grandkids say, "Whoa, Grandma/Grandpa was one heck of a legend!"

The true meaning of my logo

I recently redesigned it to the image that I feel best captures my vision. A hiker who just reaches her arms in celebration stands in front of a mountain. We will always have mountains in our lives, but we are also the only ones who can find the way up or around our obstacles. A forest of trees lies in front of the mountains because a tree has a meaning of physical and spiritual nourishment symbolizing life and growth.

Each color is a part of the chakras which is the connection between mind, spirit, and body. Yellow represents the solar plexus and is related to personal power and esteem. This is our energy center and allows us determination and fire within us. Teal is a combination of blue and green which is the heart and throat. True voice and the ability to love and be loved. Pink a variation of red which is the root and allows the passion, strength, and balance. Lastly, the white which is connecting you to your higher soul, your purpose, and the universe.

Wanderlust Explorations logo and branding colors

Putting it all together

You know what people ask me? "Why you?" I have always loved connecting people. Watching the joy on their faces, trying new things, and facing challenges lights me up in a way that is hard to explain. By helping others experience the magic of adventure, I am essentially doing more of my bucket list and getting the same magic that they are.

I want the energy and magic of what I do to radiate and touch the lives of everyone around me. Yeah, I might be just one person, but let me tell you, one person can do some seriously mind-blowing things. All it takes is one spark of passion to ignite the change you want to see in the world.

So buckle up, my friend! Life is too short to play small. Let's unleash our inner superheroes and create a tidal wave of awesomeness that'll rock this world like never before!

Like one of my favorite movie lines is What and If are two words as non-threatening as words can be. Put them together side by side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life.” (Sophie Hall Letters to Juliet)

What if? What if?

I don’t want to live my life saying what if!

What say you?


Jun 10, 2022

“My bucket list never seems to end.” I feel this in my soul! Love all that you do! Can’t wait to see what you plan next! ❤️❤️❤️

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Awww thanks yes mine keeps growing but let's life be exciting. Hope to see you guys soon :))


Connie McKeon
Jun 10, 2022

You inspire me and remind me that age is just a number! Thanks for all you d!

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You inspire me too lady cause age means nothing when you have the spirit


Jun 10, 2022

I absolutely love and connect with all that you stand for! Your new logo is a perfect fit too! I am hoping to travel with you soon. My bucket list keeps growing! Thanks for creating these opportunities!


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Thanks so much. I'm finally excited to go forward and help people even if its a simple meet up. What's one thing you want to do this summer?


Jane Sn
Jane Sn
Jun 05, 2022

OMG Jeanne you are such a good writer! I not only read your words, but as I read them they make pictures in my mind! To live ones life fully and without regrets is to be able to try and experience all the things you say in your head "God I would love to do that" then to JUST DO IT. Bucket list is a good way to describe it because everything, every idea and thought gets tossed in there so we can experience it at the earliest opportunity! And I love the reasoning for your logo! Cool beans (haha your words) I am so happy that when I look back I have been able to have "checked" off thing…

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I love this and thank you. Yes and your life is still going too. We are all inspiring others and I hope to keep giving to others. What Hawaii? How did i not know that. Love you too


Tammy Shepherd
Tammy Shepherd
Jun 04, 2022

Love the blog. Love the pictures❤️❤️❤️

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Thanks so much and we got to check one off hehe in Ireland and Scotland together

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